Since we've had a host switch, and that Haley isn't around to claim this account is mostly hers, we should do another #introduction - Updated: 2024-04-23
We're The Weather System (Athena's Realm System), We're Trans fem, and we're an officially diagnosed autistic, bipolar and dissociative identity disorder system, we a collection of various leftist, and believe strongly in queer, and neurodiversity rights movements, we view plurality in general as neurodivergence
Our pronouns are Su/Sudo/Suselves, however She/Her/Herselves, and They/Them/Theirselves is acceptable
We believe all plural systems are valid, and self dx is also valid, we were lucky to be able to get diagnosed.
giving this is a complete rewritten introduction we might update it as we go
We are most likely to toot about #Medicine, with focus on #Genetics, #Epigenetics, #Bioinformatics, and #Neuroscience giving our focus back in uni was Genetics of Human Disease, and Neuroscience but we are likely to talk about a whole range of medical topics, besides medicine we are likely to toot about #meteorology and #geology, with specific interests in #SynopticMeteorology #TropicalCyclones / #Hurricanes / #Typhoons / #TropicalStorms, #ExtratropicalCyclones, #SubtropicalCyclones, and #Tornadoes, among other topic, and we may toot about #Geology, #Minerals, and #Vulcanology, and what ever else is on our mind, we collected #MyLittlePony and are a fan of every generation of MLP, and play #EliteDangerous
Host of the System: Athena Typhoon [Typhie], Proxy text - Typhie
- Storm Alicorn Pony
Cohost of the System: Rachel, Proxy text - Rachel
- Hellhound
Current Frequent Fronters: Maple, Star Catcher, Zoey; System Membership 58+
Our system name is subject to change, it was previously the Athena's Realm System, however only one member, arguably two members made that decision on behalf of the entire system, without consulting us, so we're in the process of trying out system names to see which fits us best, but for the time being we will display both "Athena's Realm" and the current trialing system name so it is less confusing for those who know us by our old system name