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There are strong indications that attempts to accelerate medical research on COVID-19 may have in fact slowed down research on the virus.

That is the core insight of a peer-reviewed paper I wrote that just got published in Minerva. The pandemic may be over, but I hope that this paper will prove useful in case of a (not very unlikely) future pandemic.

#covid #COVID19 #sts #sociology #ScienceMastodon


SpringerLinkLimits and Paradoxes of Accelerating Research. A Retrospective on the Attempts to Accelerate Medical Research on COVID-19 - MinervaThe COVID-19 pandemic led to a historically unprecedented effort to accelerate medical research on the novel coronavirus. At the same time, researchers have raised concerns that the attempts to expedite research had negative side effects, such as information overload or adverse impacts on research quality. This paper thus explores the question whether attempts to increase the pace of research do more harm than good and to what extent the acceleration of scientific knowledge production is even possible. To address these questions, this article proposes a multi-level perspective on research speed consisting of four interrelated dimensions: the speed of individual research activities, the number of concurrent research activities, the speed of knowledge circulation, and the usefulness of knowledge contributions for peers. A closer examination of medical research on COVID-19 reveals that attempts to accelerate research were inherently precarious: On the one hand, there are hard limits to the speed of research, while on the other, several measures intended to expedite research have side effects that can actually decelerate research. This ambiguous character of research acceleration creates difficult trade-offs that require careful consideration in science policy.
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My slides presenting what decentralized #socialMedia are and their usage for researchers are now online, CC-BY, comments and reuse welcome.


ZenodoDecentralized social media for scientists: Big Brother doesn't have to boss you aroundThe resilience of networks, such as the electrical grid or communication networks, requires to avoid bottleneck nodes whose failure compromises the whole network. This is true of the physical infrastructure, but also of the software and governance architecture of networks. Historically, the world wide web has developed as a decentralised network, defined by a communication protocol, but made of independently hosted websites connected by hyperlinks. Social media such as Twitter, however, have developed under a centralised governance, making their users dependent on central decisions. The takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk has brought increased interest for WWW-like alternatives, which are made of a myriad of independently-run but interconnected services.  The Fediverse is the global network that all these services form together. In this talk, I will give both a global perspective on the organisation of this decentralised network and give a flavour of what a user may experience when using it, with an attention on the interests of a scientific researcher.   This talk is not be about why it matters but rather showing what the differences are, for you to decide what is best to do or not to do.   Disclaimer : these contents do not correspond to my research field, and are merely the perception of an interested scientist of those social media.

North America’s largest bird disappeared from the wild in the late 1980s. Reintroduction work in the United States and Mexico has brought this huge vulture back to the skies. This is the story of its comeback.

Learn more about this in our recent article republished by Ars Technica.



Ars Technica · Return of the California CondorVon Knowable Magazine
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Vagus Nerves! Both of them.

Also: can't recommend enough to make a "List" here on mastodon that's just you. Not all my posts show up on my profile and I have no gd clue why.
Not as helpful for older, since you can't search them, but great for "where tf did my toot 3 min ago go?"


" "Today’s assessment from the World Meteorological Organization is clear:
Global heating is a cold, hard fact,"
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement.
"There's still time to avoid the worst of climate catastrophe. But leaders must act
– now."

The planet's average temperature in 2024 was 1.6 degrees Celsius higher than in the 1850-1900 pre-industrial period, C3S said.
The last 10 years have all been in the top 10 hottest years on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization. "



MastodonClimate News Now (@ClimateNewsNow@federated.press)2024 was the hottest year on record, scientists say. The WMO said climate change was pushing the planet's temperature to levels never before experienced by modern humans. #ClimateChange https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/2024-was-first-year-above-15c-global-warming-scientists-say-2025-01-10/

Does anyone know of an #OpenAccess full-text #PDF #search engine/tool using which I can search for relevant PDFs from a self-hosted #database?

Context: we have a curated database of #research articles but so far our search capability has been limited to tagged keywords or title and abstract field search only. We'd like to be able to search the entire PDF.

Side note: I know that PDFs are not a great way to store scientific information. I'd prefer not to use a proprietary #LLM if possible

Good news: #Altmetric is tracking a new #social #media #platform, alternative to the formerly 🐦 place.
Not-so-good news for this 🐘 place: This new social media platform is the 🔵🦋 place.
Seriously, while my experience in both 🐘 and 🔵🦋 places is mostly positive so far, I do find it sad for those who prefer this 🐘 platform that Altmetric too has « selected » the other place over this one.

Hello! Hey Fediverse, once again. We are the Max Planck Institute of #Immunobiology and #Epigenetics. And we had to change our server.

Our community seems not really into this platform. Yet, we still believe that embracing open science with mastodon is important. For the time being, we investigate what to do with this account in the future and we will continue to cross-post our content.

Stay with us: ie-freiburg.mpg.de
#introduction #neuhier #sciencemastodon

🔔 New Essay 🔔

"Git Credential Management "

How to access remote Git repositories securely via command line? And where to store the secrets?

An essay wherein I plumb the depths of Git and come up with solutions and arguments that will surprise no one, but are nevertheless useful in daily developer life.

Link to Essay (Open Access): seanfobbe.com/posts/2024-11-23


🦠 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a growing problem. Can ‘bacteria-eaters’ help? A research team at #ChariteBerlin has now succeeded in training bacteriophages – viruses that ‘eat’ bacteria – in such a way that they can better combat the pathogen P. aeruginosa even behind its protective shield, the biofilm.

👉 charite.de/en/research/paper_s

Because #PhageTherapy is still in its infancy: Please use #antibiotics cautiously!

@KunischFabian #medicine #science #AMR #FutureMedicine #ScienceMastodon