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Insbsonders interessant für mich als #ProdMgmt
Mittlerweile zu einem sehr brauchbaren Repository für alles rund um Software und Team - Architektur angewachsen:
Insbsonders interessant für mich als #ProdMgmt
#productmanagment ist so spannend, weil die Veränderungen im Markt, Usergruppen und Organisation extrem schnell sind und nie vorhergesagt werden kann, was es als nächstes auf den Tisch weht.
Welche Kompetenzen sind übergreifend hilfreich, um in Zukunft entspannt all dem entgegenzuschauen?
Ich biete mit der Haufe Akademie die Schulung "Future Skills im digitalen Produktmanagement" an - remote und in verschiedenen Städten in DE:
Question: How do you treat you internal platform product (like DevEx) as a product, with #productmanagment senior roles as part of it?
In which part of your organization are they living?
Creating exam questions for #productmanagment. Coming up with the wrong answers is great shitposting fun, hope the participants of the upcoming "Masterclass digitales Produktmanagement" at Haufe Akademie share this humor.
Worth reading article by Arne Kittler on Clarity in #productmanagement
Great presentation by the highly valued James Coplien: Agile to Product-Led: A Step Forward—or backward?
Exploring problem-space in complex system, why root-cause analysis fails, why agile fails, why building the right process helps building the right product,..
Must-see for all product and #SWE if you haven't yet.
Worthy Read: Stop Asking UX Researchers to Defend Their Sample Size by Chris Liu
Improve workflows by managing the bottlenecks: very Kanban-y concept to improve delivery by getting rid (or reduce) of waiting times (aka inventory waste).
If your strategy cadence is yearly, there's probably not much leverage in improving delivery by a day or two.
While many organizations shifting towards a #product-first approach and the principles behind the Product Operations Model by Marty Cagan, follows with a really badly written whitepaper on the "Agile" Product Operations Model.
This is just a washed down version with throwing something something "Product Owner" in it. And of course without mentioning the originator of the POM.
(Yes, I am aware that is the of #scrum)
"It never hurts to have more analytical minds evaluating your experiment design and helping to interpret results. Ask your engineers for help."
@scrumschau @nobsagile @derralf @hauke Je nachdem sowas wie "Maximaler Kundenwert stiften bei Gewährleistung eines nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolgs" für #prodmgmt
Im englischspr. Bereich sind ja POs rein in der Delivery tätig, hierzulande verwischt sich das ziemlich.
Worthy Read: Positioning and Pessimistic Product Thinking by April Dunford
Hörenswertes Interview mit Timm Richter und Torsten Groth über Führung mit Systemtheorie. Sie sind zu Gast beim "Wir müssen reden"-Podcast.
@jasongorman If there‘s no customer, there‘s no need to built anything. Simple as that. _curtain_
Startup Guru Steve Blank Says AI Changes Everything.
"In the morning, I could create 100 digital archetypes of customers and populate a website with 1,000 images of a product they might like. By the afternoon it could run A/B testing with thousands of virtual tests."
What would I exactly learn with that? Oh I can automate snake-oil tests.. nice?
Currently reading: two books by former professional poker player Annie Duke about probability, risk and luck.
Annie Duke: Thinking in Bets. Making smarter decisions when you don’t have all the facts, 2018.
Annie Duke: Quit. The power of knowing when to walk away, 2022.
#prodmgmt #decisionmaking
ProductCamp Berlin is by far my favorite community event and a fun #barcamp. It runs for over 10 years and helped a lot to grow a strong #prodmgmt community in #berlin. Going there is like coming home.
Yesterday I met with so many old and new people, had numerous interesting chats, and I can say that I, again, have been the very last person to walk out it in the late evening with @brsma
Big thank you to the organizing team around Dirk and Abdo and the many volunteers.
#product #productcamp
Almost a philosophical question: can you be s good #productmanager if you don’t like your product?
For myself I can say there’s a broad band of tolerance and interest as long as it’s within a certain ethical threshold I defined for myself (no ad-tech, so weapons etc.).
Good decision making in #prodmgmt is collaborative and based on data. Nevertheless it helps s lot for user empathy when using your own product at least occasionally.