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I just published the source code for my very naive #Python implementation for generating a node network based on MITRE Intrusion Sets and Techniques. It will output linked #Markdown files linking intrusion sets to their used techniques.

Perhaps someone finds it useful or interesting to experiment with.

Source code: github.com/cstromblad/markdown

I hinted at this in a thread started by @Viss where he asked for input on a few very likely malicious domains. Me @Viss @cR0w @neurovagrant and others did some OSINT fun work with a couple of the original domains.

It was this thread: mastodon.social/@Viss/11414512

Now I posted a picture of a node network rendered in Obsidian and I hinted that perhaps Obsidian could be used as a poor mans version of performing threat intelligence work.

I just published the source code for my very naive #Python implementation for generating a node network based on MITRE Intrusion Sets and Techqniques. It will output linked #Markdown files linking intrusion sets to their used techniques.

Perhaps someone finds it useful or interesting to experiment with.

Source code: mastodon.social/@Viss/11414512

I hinted at this in a thread started by @Viss where he asked for input on a few very likely malicious domains. Me @Viss @cR0w @neurovagrant and others did some OSINT fun work with a couple of the original domains.

It was this thread: mastodon.social/@Viss/11414512

Now I posted a picture of a node network rendered in Obsidian and I hinted that perhaps Obsidian could be used as a poor mans version of performing threat intelligence work.

제텔카스텐을 Obsidian으로 만들어서 쓰고 있는데, 요즘 드는 고민은 이것: 다른 마크다운·제텔카스텐 툴과 달리 Obsidian만 디렉토리를 다르게 처리해서 호환이 어려움.

예를 들어 Obsidian은 디렉토리가 여러 개 있어도 하나의 Vault 안에만 있으면 상호간에 링크가 자유롭다. 대신에 파일 이름은 하나만 써야 함. A 디렉토리에 B가 있으면, C 디렉토리에는 B가 있으면 안 되는 식. 링크도 어느 디렉토리에서 작성한 파일이든 상관없이 [[B]]면 충분히 링크가 걸린다.

하지만 다른 제텔카스텐 툴은 폴더를 오가면서 쓰는 것이 다소 어렵다. C 디렉토리 안에 있는 파일 안에서 A 디렉토리의 B 파일로 가는 링크를 만들기가 어렵고, 루트 디렉토리에서 B로 가는 링크를 만들려면 [[A/B]] 같이 폴더명까지 작성해야 하는 식.

그렇다고 다른 툴에서도 쓸 수 있게 디렉토리를 하나로만 해서 써도 되려나?

I bet most of you #Markdown enthusiasts didn't know you can paste #LibreOffice #spreadsheets as Markdown tables in #GitLab.

Pretty cool, right?
Now, imagine if we could also do that in #GNOME's Markdown editor, Apostrophe (or even, any GNOME text editor that recognizes Markdown for syntax highlighting…) :blobaww:

Ponies-on-rainbows feature request here: gitlab.gnome.org/World/apostro

GitLabAbility to paste spreadsheets / tables contents as markdown tables (#598) · Tickets · World / Apostrophe · GitLabThe parser in GitLab's MarkDown editor can actually do this:

Freewriter: Geräte mit einem ablenkungsfreien Mini-Bildschirm für die konzentrierte Erfassung von Text herzustellen, ist gar nicht mal so schlecht [1]. Nur halt zu teuer.

Wozu hat man noch 2, 3 alte Android-Geräte in der Schublade rumfliegen?
Markdown-Editor wie z.B. Markor [2] plus Bluetooth-Tastatur. leisten sie einen ähnlichen Dienst. Funktioniert sogar noch auf dem G4 von 2017.
Sync im WLAN. Fertig.

[1] getfreewrite.com/products/alph

[2] github.com/gsantner/markor/

🇫🇷 - Aide sur Thunderdird
Rédiger ses mails en Markdown sur Thunderbird ?

Quelqu'un aurait une solution de ce côté-là ?
J'avais regardé il y a quelque temps, mais je n'avais rien trouvé de facile ni de probant...

#Markdown #Mail #Thunderbird #EmailMarkdown #OpenSource


🇬🇧 - Help on Thunderbird
Writing emails in Markdown on Thunderbird?

Does anyone have a solution for this?
I looked into it some time ago, but I couldn't find anything easy or effective...