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Hinter dem heutigen Licht bleiben seine Spuren, seine Bilder. Duft von altem, warmem Holz auf Haaren und in der Kleidung. Geschichten einiger Vergangenheiten, näher, ferner, noch im Bewusstsein. Dürre Äste über braunem Gras. Warme Klänge im Ohr, Erinnerung und trotzdem schön. Banale Selbstfürsorge: Möglichst viel Zeit mit Musik verbringen, die einen auf Fotos lächelnd ertappt festhält. (Just a hollow moon in your night sky.)

📷 lost-in-moments

#outerworld #lost in moments #always in between #concrete city #smartphonephotography

10pm and on. Same hour different place and that different silence again. Backdoor open still, a small almost circular area illuminated by a motion triggered lantern, dense night already unfolding outside its borders. No sounds but nature, waves of the creek playing around stones and through unseen pipes passing the house by and disappearing in the distance. Noises of scratching, pawing from in between the hut and that pile of old wood that has been there ever since, growing and shrinking with the course of years. And maybe a cautious wind in the trees. Slowing down, reaching out to embrace this current vicinity. The still unfamiliar mode of fully being submerged in an actual moment. Sleep safe everyone wherever you are.

#outerworld #the village and the hills #later that day later that night #where we are we are #always in between

Auf halber Strecke: Ostmoderne, Hipstercafé, wachsende Kultur, verblühte Industrie. Jede Menge eigener Geschichte. Und Aspekte, in denen einem auch nach Jahren Nachsicht mit sich selbst schwer fällt. Sonntagshimmel, Winterluft. Und die Stille innerstädtischer Gassen abseits der Geschäftszeiten. Seltsame Überlegungen zu Prioritäten und Fantasie.

📷 lost-in-moments

#lost in moments #outerworld #always in between #chemnitz

There and back again. Another night, another slowdown. Searching for the right words but in all the wrong languages, somehow getting along with half-baked analogies and fuzzy phrases. Wet sidewalks far below, the blue and red neon of the pub reflecting stronger today. Two cigarettes pulsating next to a dark doorway, murmuring voices and random laughter, forced and rough much more than actually entertained or funny. (Closing this particular window. Leaving world outside for now. Eyes closed, hands covering face, distancing to find some rest. Have a peaceful night wherever you are.)

📷 lost-in-moments

#outerworld #concrete city #later that day later that night #always in between #lost in moments

10pm and on. Slightly lost track of time just to notice it's that usual hour again. Summing up all the bits that went by since sunrise and somehow it felt much longer than it actually was. Realizing, once more, that while the longer parts of the road are still in memory very well, it's difficult to remember all the small turns, curves, crossroads passed on that way. How often did that wheel turn in between, how often did things change direction just to return to whatever course they took before? How many circles taken on that journey, every other day? No cuts in the log taken for these. And these clouds even left the late hours without stars. An idea of haze in already sleepy streets. Have an easy night wherever you are.

#outerworld #concrete city #later that day later that night #always in between

Feuchtes Pflaster, Regen in den Haaren, Regen dort, wo die Scheinwerfer des Berufsverkehrs auf dem Asphalt glänzen. In vorsichtigen Bewegungen durch einen unzeitig, falschen November, der gerade mehr zu umklammern scheint als nur das Wetter. Irgendwann dann angekommen, Kerzen entzündet, temporär Verbindungen gekappt, Eingänge geschlossen. Geschichten von Überreizung, Strudeln und Abgründen.

📷 lost-in-moments

#lost in moments #outerworld #concrete city #always in between

Too, 4pm and on: Mail notifications out of former customers systems. Weird memories of a closer past, and still within these that kind of hurt ego, of not having been able to keep things up there generally and personally. Too, the differences between being responsible, taking responsibility and feeling guilty of whatever failure wasn't communicated. Forever listening into a void, while sky remains icy grey and city afternoon slowly steps forth.

#outerworld #concrete city #where we do what we do #always in between

Close to midnight. That peculiar moment when all conversations fade and music ends and the silence becomes palpable. Flickering candlelight in a breeze of air, windows opened to let go of everything that piled up in closed rooms. Putting books back on their shelves, storing photos in safe places, feeling a brief sigh flee with the day. Just one dream away from tomorrow. Have a quiet night wherever you are.

#outerworld #concrete city #later that day later that night #always in between

Außerhalb und mittendrin. Pendlerverkehr, volle Bahnen, vorsichtige Bewegungen durch Rückstau. Schnell an der Grenze dessen, was die Sinne im Normalbetrieb verarbeiten können. Das andere Viertel erwacht erst spät zum Leben und vieles, was hier stattfindet, bewegt sich außerhalb der Rhythmen, in denen man Sicherheit und Gewohnheit findet.

📷 lost-in-moments

#outerworld #concrete city #elsewhere #always in between #lost in moments

Much later. Night as a fluid state. Blurry houses villages factories infrastructure out there seemingly levitating in empty air. A plane heading north, arrivals late that day. Long-winding exit road, slowly returning into more densely populated neighbourhoods. And city, all of a sudden. A tram crossing, cars in rear view mirrors, red lights. Vague reflections. The possibility of ghosts.

📷 a different void

#a different void #outerworld #always in between

Ankommen, immer wieder. In einer Wirklichkeit, in der man immer ein Stück weit hier geblieben ist und in der einen immer diesselben Gedanken ereilen, wenn man über die alten Schwellen tritt, die alten Treppen hochsteigt, die quietschenden Dielen hört. Strohblumen in einer braunen Flasche. Bücher in jeder freien Ecke. Das Summen alter Computer, hin und wieder zwischendrin. Und der kleine Wald, der den kleinen Flecken Land zunehmend umhüllt. Abgeschiedenheiten.

#outerworld #the village and the hills #always in between