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- Try to boycott #Google, there are other search engines. #SergeyBrin, co-founder of #Alphabet, which owns Google, #Gmail, #Android, and #YouTube. #DuckDuckGo, for example, has been recommended by a supporter.
- Boycott #Apple Products! #TimCook, CEO and major shareholder of Apple, donated to Trump’s inauguration and is reported to have developed a "personal relationship" with Trump.
- Don’t shop at #Walmart! Walmart, owned by the ultra-rich #Walton family, pays its employees so poorly that many of them are on food stamps.
- Don’t shop at #Target! Target, which has stopped selling #LGBTQ merchandise due to right wing pressure."

from Laura for the #350org #BayArea Action team (2/2)

💡Le saviez-vous ?

Une campagne de marketing viral bien pensée peut multiplier votre visibilité de façon exponentielle ! 📈

Créer du contenu engageant et facilement partageable est la clé pour capter l’attention et inciter votre audience à le diffuser massivement. 🚀

Découvrez les secrets d’une stratégie virale réussie !
➡️ anthedesign.fr/marketing-2/mar

AntheDesign · Le marketing viral : les secrets d'une stratégie efficaceDécouvrez la puissance du marketing viral : apprenez à créer un contenu engageant qui se partage massivement pour booster votre visibilité.

Target, a major U.S.A. retailer, just decided to end their DEI initiatives. However, in starting those initiatives a few years ago, the retailer did include more products from Black-owned businesses. These partnerships between a large national retailer and mostly small Black-owned businesses allowed the latter to grow, to hire, and to develop a more constant income stream. So, if you want to properly boycott Target, go there and only shop these products. Nothing else - get everything else you need elsewhere.



SHOPPE BLACK · Shop Direct: Supporting Black-Owned Brands at TargetTarget has recently come under fire for its decisions regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, sparking important conversations about corporate accountability. While these discussions are necessary, it’s equally important to ensure that the backlash doesn’t

WTF?! I moved from WalMart when they totally caved on Anti-DEI.

"...Target no longer would participate in surveys designed to gauge the effectiveness of its actions, including an annual index compiled by the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ+ rights organization."


AP News · Target is ending its diversity goals as a strong DEI opponent occupies the White HouseVon ANNE D'INNOCENZIO