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The Sun ☀️, for the Scientifically Literate, is the nearest Star to planet Earth. And an endless source of energy. Or rather, at least on a timeline of billions of years.

The Sun ☀️, for the Scientifically illiterate, that bright \ shiny yellow circle in the sky.

The Sun ☀️, is an endless source of "wow!" factor for me.

"a red giant," esa.int/Science_Exploration/Sp

FYI, It's ignorant to teach "the end" first!

#science #education #chemistry
#physics #AtomicPhysics #Gravity #force #NuclearFussion

www.esa.intThe SunThe Sun is our nearest star. Nuclear reactions deep within create energy in the form of the light and heat that we need to survive. To generate this energy, the Sun consumes four million tonnes of hydrogen fuel every second, and has done so since it was born, around 4.6 billion years ago.
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“When was the last time that an American president didn’t have a major conflict break out? The only answer is during the 4 yrs that Donald Trump was president.”
— #JDVance

Vance could have given a shout-out to #JimmyCarter, who turned 100 Tues.

Carter, POTUS 1977 to 1981, not only never formally declared #war or sought authorization to use #force from #Congress, but also military records show not a single soldier died in hostile action during his presidency.

Antwortete Susan Larson ♀️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈


“The #gatekeeping #system is designed to #force #trans #kids to undergo a harmful #puberty in the wrong #gender. “. ??

This accuses health professionals of causing deliberate harm, whereas they have a professional & ethical duty to do all they can to satisfy themselves the treatments they offer are likely to be beneficial - this isn’t a black & white issue - these sort of accusations are likely to deter much needed doctors & others from working in this area of practice.

#Trump has privately said he could end #Russia’s war in Ukraine by pressuring Ukraine to give up territory…. foreign policy experts say that would reward #Putin & condone the violation of internationally recognized #borders by #force.

Trump’s proposal consists of pushing Ukraine to cede #Crimea & the #Donbas border region to Russia…. That approach…would dramatically reverse #POTUS #Biden’s policy, of curtailing Russian aggression & providing military #aid to Ukraine.

The Washington Post · Inside Donald Trump’s secret plan to end the Ukraine-Russia warVon Isaac Arnsdorf

To those who say "capitalism doesn't force people to do anything. They have free will", if someone put a gun to the head of someone, would that not be a use of force? And how would you feel if the gunman said "I'm not forcing you to do anything. You have the freewill not to give me your money." But if you don't then you'll die, just like the worker will die if they don't do what the capitalist says.

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"The unit is engaged in the same kind of AI work that the world’s biggest tech companies, like Google, Facebook and China’s Baidu are doing in a race to apply machine learning to such functions as self-driving cars, analysis of salespeople’s telephone pitches and cybersecurity — or to fight Israel’s next war more intelligently."

“I’ve always loved algorithms. I was already involved with them in high school and worked in the field. When I [was] drafted I wanted to combine the technology with a combat,” Maj. Sefi Cohen, 34, recalls.

The unit’s only female member left recently. so for the moment it’s an all-male team. Cohen says: “Everyone who’s here is the tops.”

"Tiny IDF Unit Is Brains Behind Israeli Army Artificial Intelligence", Haaretz, 2017: haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-0

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"L'unité de recherche opérationnelle de la Division de renseignement militaire - l'unité logicielle "Lotem” de la Direction J6/C4i de l'armée israélienne - ne semble pas être le genre d'endroit où l'intelligence artificielle de pointe est mise en œuvre.
"L'unité est engagée dans le même type de travail d'IA que les plus grandes entreprises technologiques du monde, comme Google, Facebook et la société chinoise Baidu, dans une course à l'application de l'apprentissage automatique à des fonctions telles que les voitures autonomes, l'analyse des présentations téléphoniques des vendeurs et la cybersécurité - ou pour mener la prochaine guerre d'Israël de manière plus intelligente."

“J'ai toujours aimé les algorithmes. Je m'y intéressais déjà au lycée et je travaillais dans ce domaine. Lorsque j'ai été appelé sous les drapeaux, je voulais combiner technologie et combat”, se souvient le major Sefi Cohen, 34 ans.

La seule femme de l'unité a quitté l'unité récemment [en 2017], de sorte que pour le moment, l'équipe est composée uniquement d'hommes. Cohen dit : “Tous ceux qui sont ici sont les meilleurs”.

"Tiny IDF Unit Is Brains Behind Israeli Army Artificial Intelligence" - Haaretz, 2017 : haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-0

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In April, before fed #prosecutors #indicted #Trump, 1 survey showed that 4.5% of #American adults agreed w/the idea that the use of #force was “#justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.” Just 2 months later, after the 1st federal #indictment of Trump, that figure surged to 7%.

The indictments of Trump “are the most important current drivers of #PoliticalViolence we now have,” said the author of the study, Robert Pape, a political scientist who studies political violence at the UofC.