Ein Gespräch mit #MajaGöpel und #MelanieAmann, das #Mut macht:
Ein Gespräch mit #MajaGöpel und #MelanieAmann, das #Mut macht:
Folks who care about #democracy, this is an EXCELLENT watch - it is worth your time.
The strategy #Trump employs to play the system against its own working mechanisms by overwhelming slow administrative processes with a barrage of executive orders has a precursor in economic theory:
Joseph Schumpeter's principle of "creative destruction" - tear down the whole building instead of repairing it to gain new grounds for capital accumulation - served neoliberalism well as long as they could privatize public assets to produce economic growth regardless of the social costs,
but is in the end responsible for the sad state of affairs in global crisis, more economic distress for a growing number of people worldwide, unchecked climate catastrophe and militaristic adventurism rising from the fertile grounds of national chauvinistic reaction to this disaster strategy
#NaomiKlein critizised this concept of destroying the livelihoods of functioning social reproduction all over the world as "The Shock Doctrine", which has found its latest version in the "disruption" ideology of the BigTech-broligarchy.
So the new executive monopoly Trump tries to install in accord with BigTech-billionaires clings onto the idea of a self-enforcing cycle of accelerating the speed of repressive measures thereby weakening any opposition to this challenge by exploiting the already installed logics of social darwinistic subjectivity
- people try to evade the incoming dictatorship to save their skin thereby decreasing the chances of building a united opposition against the new outright fascistic order.
#EzraKlein puts his hope in a working
democratic system where congress and courts would stop this power grab.
I myself doubt that it is enough not to believe Trump and hold onto the separation of powers - imo Trump has already answered the question of power in a very material sense to his advantage. So any opposition to this might need to enforce other measures than just to hope on an outcome where democratic freedom will win.
Die Welt steht an einem #Wendepunkt, an dem tiefgreifende Veränderungen die Fundamente von #Politik, #Wirtschaft und #Gesellschaft erschüttern.
#EzraKlein beschreibt, wie der Rückgang der #Geburtenraten, die #Klimakrise, die rasante Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz (#KI) und die Rückkehr populistischer Führer wie #DonaldTrump eine neue Ära der Unsicherheit einleiten.
@danyork There's an inherent conflict between useful and large, where a further problem is that financially viable relies on large by way of advertising.
This leads to An Inevitable Spiral of Suck. Or #Enshittification as @pluralistic so eloquently puts it.
#EzraKlein has been looking at attention, media, and journalism this past year, with a notably segment this past February: "How the $500 Billion Attention Industry Really Works" (14 Feb 2023), interviewing Tim Hwang. Specifically: "If you’re able to aggregate a lot of attention online, we just have this almost religious faith that there’s just some way that you’ve got to be able to turn this into money. You will become a Google. You will become a Facebook.... [T]he flip side of that [is] that if you come to a V.C. and you say, I want to do a subscription business model, they’ll say, well, I don’t know — we don’t have a whole lot of examples of that really blowing up, so why don’t you just do advertising?" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/podcasts/transcript-ezra-klein-interviews-tim-hwang.html
There's also A.G. Sulzberger interviewed by David Remnick at the New Yorker, with some powerfully-motivated argument:
I think there’s often sort of an imaginary person who wants to read these sources but is being boxed out of reading quality news because of the cost. I really don’t believe that is a real population in any significant number.
(In the audio version of the interview, Sulzberger compares this to the cost of a Starbucks coffee, though not, say, McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts.)
I'm increasingly convinced that rolling a basic news service including the local and national newspapers of record into basic Internet service, at rates indexed to local cost of living, is a preferable, viable, and necessary alternative to advertising-supported, subscription-based, or a'la carte media pricing. Actually, I'd like to see that extended to all published content. The per-household costs would be low, particularly against the $600/person annual cost advertising alone represents.
NB: that Ezra Klein segment linked at the end is well worth reading or listening to:
"How the $500 Billion Attention Industry Really Works", with Tim Hwang (author of The Subprime Attention Crisis).
Transcript: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/podcasts/transcript-ezra-klein-interviews-tim-hwang.html
The work of democracy is to continuously resist capture. There is no end of history. There is no state of rest for democracy. Democracy is the work of resisting capture by powerful interests and restoring power-sharing just over and over and over again.
-- Danielle Allen, on the Ezra Klein podcast