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Cuban Green Anole, Playa Ancon, #Cuba. While photographing on this peninsula, it was very hot and humid, and I couldn't find anywhere selling water, or any water fountains, so I decided to venture out without water (something I will never do again). When I returned to the village of Playa Ancon, at the base of the peninsula, I found a vendor selling orange sodas and downed three in a few minutes. One of my best memories of quenching thirst. #macrophotography

Today in Labor History February 24, 1895: Revolution broke out in Baire, near Santiago de Cuba. This was the beginning of the Cuban War of Independence (1895-1898). The liberation war ended with the Spanish-American War and the U.S. taking Cuba as a colony. Some of the more well-known commanders of the Cuban revolution were the poet Jose Marti (composer of “Guantanamera”) and Afro-Cuban Antonio Maceo, the Titan of Bronze.

Raven's 10 Policy Platform for Good Governance in 2025, Independent of the Country:

1. Every citizen and documented immigrant should be guaranteed and be able to expect the government to do it's best to represent their needs and best interests as best as it possibly can to enable to maximum health, fulfillment, and enjoyment in life.

2. Universal Single Payer Healthcare, free at the point of service for all citizens and documented immigrants, and a buy in option for undocumented immigrants and visitors. (Basically Bernie Sander's Medicare For All Proposal)

3. Housing For All, make it free for all citizens and documented immigrants, and a right for them. Undocumented immigrants and visitors would need to pay for housing or seek temporary residence shelter status. (Closest to Cuba's housing model)

4. Free Public Transportation, free for all citizens and documented immigrants, undocumented immigrants and visitors can buy in, privatized and privatization of public transportation would be illegal.

5. Disabled Inclusion and Equity, Disabled citizens and documented immigrants have a right to self determination and independence so long as a group of 10 physicians and judge via a court ruling or criminal trial waiver as a result of insanity determine otherwise. Treatment of disabilities must be inline with best efforts and good faith to both improve the quality of the disabled citizen or documented immigrant's life and their health. Disabled citizens and documented immigrants who cannot provide the means of living for themselves will be cared for.

6. LGBTQ Rights, any number of people who can and do consent to a sexual, romantic, and/or marriage based relationship should have the right to do so and all the same amenities and legal affordances that any monogamous cisgendered heterosexual couple would have.

7. Free Universal Education, all education is free for citizens and documented immigrants: free tuition, free learning materials, free textbooks, and free basic needs. When you are a full time student, your job should be to learn. Getting into college and higher education is enough. This would ban the employment of students in full time attendance to any educational institution. Undocumented immigrants by being accepted to a specialty lower education institution or a higher educational institution of any type should be granted documentation and legal residency. Programs should be made to entice these immigrants to become citizens and stay after receiving their education.

8. Birth Right Citizenship, if you are born within a nation's borders, you should be entitled to citizenship of that nation.

9. Citizenship By Heritage, one ancestor of pure heritage in either the last 5 generations for sedentary cultures, or the last 10 for nomadic cultures. Can be done with birth records, adoption paperwork, or reputable DNA testing results.

10. Citizenship By Immigration & Assimilation, documented immigrants should be encouraged to assimilate, this should be done through free language courses and certifications and free culture courses and certifications. The formation of ethnic enclaves by immigrants should be fiercely discouraged, but families and friends must never be separated to achieve this goal. Voluntary sublimation of the immigrant population into the predominant and preexisting culture is the ultimate goal. Prospective immigrants without a criminal records and/or who are dodging the draft or oppression of any enemy nation and/or who are the victims of genocide(s) abroad, must be prioritized. Prospective immigrants personal finances should not matter in the immigration process. Becoming a documented immigrant should be simple and sensible and follow these guidelines.

Concentration camps nearby Cuba - very, very typical of the U.S. Empire...

"The Trump administration has moved more than 30 people described as Venezuelan gang members to the U.S. Navy base at Guantánamo Bay, as U.S. forces and homeland security staff prepare a tent city for potentially thousands of migrants.
About a dozen of the men were brought in from El Paso, Texas, on Friday, as Kristi Noem, the secretary of homeland security, arrived at Guantánamo. She is the first senior member of the Trump administration to visit the migrant mission on the base in southeastern Cuba.

Ms. Noem was taken to the rooftop of the base’s aircraft hangar and observed as U.S. security forces led the deportees down the ramp of a C-130 military cargo plane to an awaiting minibus. Maj. Gen. Philip J. Ryan, the army commander overseeing the migrant mission, stood beside her in combat uniform, and a Chinook transport chopper could be seen in the distance.

“Vicious gang members will no longer have safe haven in our country,” Ms. Noem said on social media, calling the men “criminal aliens.”"


The New York Times · A Tent City Is Rising at Guantánamo BayVon Doug Mills
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" Rafael delivered a devastating blow as the first Category 3 hurricane to hit Cuba since Ian in 2022 and the second hurricane to hit the country in recent weeks.

The national electric system collapsed due to strong winds as Rafael approached the island, causing a nationwide blackout, government officials said Wednesday. " (not sure on status today) #Rafael #hurricane #cuba