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"Russische #Propaganda und #Fakes – dank Technik aus Europa" - Eine Recherche von #correctiv Russ. Propaganda kopiert Nachritenseiten (zB von Spiegel, Guardian etc.) und manipuliert Inhalte. LeserInnen werden getäuscht und aufgehetzt.
Warum nur unterschätzt die Regierung solche Formen der Unterwanderung, Subverion und feindlicher #Propaganda? Das ist mehr als fahrlässig und dumm, es ist verantwortungslos. #Doppelgänger #Kampagne russ. #Agitprop

correctiv.org · Russische Propaganda und Fakes – dank Technik aus EuropaVon Max Bernhard
Antwortete im Thread

The top photo is disingenuous; it suggests mini skirts were the norm in 1972.

They were not. The original caption notes religious Muslims would throw acid on nude legs.

The second photo is from 2012, not 2013. Possible misrepresentation; see concurrent work by the same photographer with women in western dress.

The Simone de Beauvoir quote has no provenance.

Call for submissions! If you #work in any role in any sector of the #education industry, we want to give you a platform to express yourself. That includes pieces you've already had published that you give us permission to host and amplify on our site. Send pieces to angryeducationworkers@gmail.com

We’re especially interested in:

#Research into your location, sector, and #job role in education.

#History of education worker struggles around the world.

Workplace reports.

Investigations of education businesses, foundations, and “non-profits”.

Thoughts on #strategy for education workers' role in #anticapitalist #revolution

Sticker, flyer, or poster designs for #agitprop.
