Gleichzeitige WireGuard-Verbindungen
Ich richte einen WireGuard-Server ein und möchte dasselbe Peer-Profil an alle Geräte einer Person verteile. Nun laufen die Verbindungen recht instabil. Warum?
Gleichzeitige WireGuard-Verbindungen
Ich richte einen WireGuard-Server ein und möchte dasselbe Peer-Profil an alle Geräte einer Person verteile. Nun laufen die Verbindungen recht instabil. Warum?
“ has over 2 million users … I think it's safe to say the the mastodon codebase is tuned for”
I keep getting asked why I’m working on the Small Web – which is tuned for instances of one (not two or two million).
This is why.
(It’s also why I was advising a certain someone to limit the size of his instance… until my advice was no longer compatible with their plans/welcome.)
Plattenlabel verklagen Verizon, weil es Copyright-Sünder versorgt
Drei Dutzend Plattenlabel verklagen den US-Netzbetreiber Verizon; er unternehme zu wenig gegen Copyright-Verletzer unter seinen Kunden.
Zu teure Datengebühren: Twitch schließt in Südkorea
Südkoreanische Netzbetreiber verrechnen doppelt: Anschlussinhaber müssen zahlen, große Serverbetreiber ebenso. Damit rechnet sich Streaming für Twitch nicht.
What kind of #Moderation would you wish a #SocialMedia service like #Mastodon or #FireFish to have?
If you're familiar with #ActivityPub, can it be implemented with it?
I'm specifically looking for user moderation tools for #PeerToPeer #P2P solutions where service data can't be manually moderated by a central actor. The service data would exist until it is forgotten (no one is sharing it).
Profile and post data would be saved in browser database (#IndexedDB) and peer discovery would be handled by #HyperSwarm or similar. The whole service would be a #PWA, requiring zero server resources beyond loading the PWA, if possible.
Currently I have this:
- honor thread starter #blocklist (by hiding and not sharing those comments - individual clients could still show these and share, resulting in less effective moderation)
- allow thread starter to moderate their threads (don't know how to implement this, yet)
- allow post and comment editing (implement post version checking and automatic updates - again, a client might ignore updates or collect history, resulting in less effective moderation)
- profile reputation, automatic blocking based on reputation and shared blocklists, #whitelist and shared whitelists, blocklist and shared blocklists (see above); essentially a #WebOfTrust implementation
- visibility controls
- sharing controls (for service data; by default interactions and own data would be saved locally and shared to network; data that is offline isn't reachable)
@panos @luthien1126 Yes, there is something wrong with its design. It adopts the tech stack of Big Tech along with its scaling characteristics. It has inherent economies of scale. And yes, it is inevitable.
But it’s also a stopgap and that has immediate, real-world value today. Especially for those of us working on alternatives that don’t have that design flaw like the Small Web (instances of one that connect to one another directly).
If you're interested in learning more about our vision for the future of distributed computing, check us out at and
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Hello fediverse! We're glad to be here. #introduction #newhere
Holochain is an #opensource framework for building distributed peer-to-peer apps. We are excited to join this vibrant community and connect with all of you who are passionate about #decentralized #peertopeer #opensource tech on the Fediverse.
Let us say a little more about who is behind this account
1. Juli 2019
Über #virales #Marketing auf #Lbry aufmerksam geworden.
"Why Everyone's Leaving Youtube"
#Alternative(s) #Protokoll (statt #html) zur Verknüpfung von #Bitcoin-artiger Währung und #PeerToPeer-#Tauschbörse. Starker #Fokus auf #Video/#Fernsehen, bislang keine #Interaktionsmöglichkeit(en). Marketing mit Fokus auf #Youtube(r). #Monetarisierung durch #Cryptocurrency #Erwerb zur #Investition in das Ansehen von #Videos. #Public #Beta, maßgeblich basierend auf #App // #Desktopanwendung.